Open Account

Image of the Products page on the SOL app


Step 1: Tap on ‘Products’ to explore the available SOL products

Image of 'products' page

Opening an account

Step 2: Select a SOL product that you would like to open

Image of the SIN Number page

Declaration of Tax Residence (Required only once per person)

Step 3 : Enter your tax residence information. First, enter your SIN Number as it appears on a legal document

Declaration of Tax Residence

Step 4: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to answer the questions regarding tax residence.

Image of completed page for registration

Declaration of Tax Residence

Step 5: Declaration of tax residence is completed. Click ‘Done’ to proceed with opening a product

Image of Terms and Conditions page

Terms & Conditions

Step 6: Read the terms and conditions, and check the box to confirm your agreement to all of terms and conditions

Image of the instruction for customer information

Customer Information

Step 7: Review your personal information. It is your responsibility to keep your personal information accurate and current. If you need to make any changes, click ‘Update Profile,’ or tap ‘Next’ to continue

Image of opening an account

Open Account

Step 8: Select all the required fields based on the type of account, such as the amount, intended use of account, and any other necessary details

Image of third party determination

Open Account

Step 9: Click to review the third-party determination and answer the ‘Yes/No’ question

Image of completion for open account

End of Open Account Process

Step 10: Review the information (Product Name, Account Number, Interest Rate, Number of Transactions)